Snow Patrol
Sea ice retreat and snow melt reduce Earth’s albedo, which can lead to increased warmth and further melting.
With a flip of the traction-control switch and a depression of the accelerator, the needle red-lined on the rpm gauge and the car sprang out of the snow with the alacrity of a mountain goat.
Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia reached an agreement with NATO on the lease of fighters to patrol their airspace in 2004.
But, at the drone event, Mr. Anderson and Mr. Muñoz seemed most concerned with keeping their aircraft dry and airborne despite the snow flurries.
On its side with its mouth slightly agape, the slender, badly- damage body lies half-buried in snow close to Irkutsk, Russia.
Lieutenant Joe Eakins says this tiny aircraft, which uses a parachute instead of wings, offers an affordable way to patrol from the air.
France, Germany and other European governments could join a naval force, perhaps under NATO's aegis, to patrol the sea off Gaza.
Then, the importance of friendship and self-protection are told in Snow White which is also an unadorned and admonitory fairy story.
Most police forces in Britain have specially adapted patrol vehicles capable of detecting tracker signals.
A shot rang out and galvanized the patrol into action.
Specifically, snow tends to absorb higher frequency acoustical waves.
Davos Day Two has gotten underway in full force, despite falling snow and snarling traffic.
Snow-white table is very solid and stable structure, characteristics of which were amply demonstrated in numerous exhibitions.
They get small Sis at Lan wave building front vacant land up fight snow battle.
This is not your grandfather's Snow White. Melisa went back to the 500 year old folk tale and put in some of the things that were missing from Walt Disney's film.
Maybe even lots of snow. If you do not have to drive in it or remove it, snow can be very beautiful.
They're built for the snow and ice —change those conditions, and you take away their habitat and their food supply.
The lack of snow will not be a problem for events being held at the ski area in the city of Whistler.
Using wireless IC card and computer technologies, a computer managing system is designed, which can be used for both work attendance check and night patrol.
And as you mentioned, it's - there's been a dearth of snow in Europe and relatively mild conditions.